Back in the Saddle

Well, pardners, it's been a wild ride this last year or so.  As rough as 2020 was, I have a lot to be grateful for, and a lot that I've learned along the way.

For one thing, I learned that it's possible -- though not easy -- to write a book in a year (as long as you steal lots of content from a blog you've already written). (Crazy!)

I also learned that folks really do want to hear more about food, health, wellness and thriving, no matter what your condition. (Cool!)

And I learned that I'm enjoying life when I'm putting words on a page, and when I'm challenging myself to put those words out there, whether through a blog like this one, a book, or a YouTube Live series. (Koo-koo-kooky!)

Which is why I find myself back at this little keyboard, pecking away with a bit of drivel, and ripping off old-timey cartoon images, on a Thursday morning. Hope you guys are able to pick up what I'm puttin' down, and do subscribe here, or on my Youtube channel above, or follow my author page on facebook to stay in the loop. See you soon!



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