
Showing posts from March, 2020

Going to Print!

Hey, Gang! I know it's been a while since I've posted here, and I'm sure you've been absolutely lost without my witty, thought-provoking drivel. But I haven't been sitting on the couch watching TV and feasting on pork rinds (that is to say, that's not all I've been doing). No, sir.  I've been working with a great group of fellow writers and an editor to help me take my work to the latest and greatest, most bleeding-edge format: a book! While this blog can be kind of all over the place, the book will specifically focus on the stories of people -- myself and others -- who are living and thriving with epilepsy, thanks to a low-carb or ketogenic diet. It's a project I've been wanting to do for quite some time.  There's lots of information out there about keto, and there are lots of stereotypes about people with epilepsy.  In this book, I mean to upend the stereotypes by telling the true, inspiring stories of folks who have taken contr...