Since When Was Eating a Sin?

A while ago, I posted some thoughts on how all of these popular diets — paleo, vegan, carnivore, plant-based, IF, low-carb, and so on — have a way of becoming belief systems. People read about it, buy in, join a Facebook group, and soon their new way of eating becomes a complete way of life. “I eat paleo” becomes “I am paleo.” It’s an identity, a tribe, a religion. But this is not the first time diet and religion have crossed paths in American popular culture. Gary Taubes, in his incredible book Why We Get Fat, And What to Do About It posits that much of our belief about weight gain today comes from religion, not science. We see obesity as the “wages” for the dual sins of gluttony and sloth . All it takes to lose weight, we are told, is to eat less and move more. If you’re heavy, then it means you’ve failed this simple task, given in to your base, heathen urges. That spare tire of yours? It’s the scarlet letter that you deserve for ...